With deep rooted beauty beginnings, Lan Belinky was destined to lead a global skincare brand. Born and raised until her young teens in Japan, the infamous center of skin care innovation, Lan was fascinated by the infinite beauty trends and tactics she was continually exposed to. Mesmerized by her Grandmother's meticulous 6-step beauty ritual and her Aunt's unique product application practices; the allure of the beauty world naturally beckoned.
In the Spring of 1996, Lan's family moved to the United States so her Father and boscia Founder, Gen Inomata, could realize his dream of bringing Japanese influenced skincare stateside. Lan spoke solely Japanese at the time and worked diligently to learn English as a second language and acclimate into the American culture that was so brand new to her – but always, always held close her Japanese roots.
Fast-forward a few years later, Gen's dream was realized and boscia was born. Lan attended The University of the Incarnate Word and graduated with a degree in Business Marketing, while spending every available moment helping to cultivate boscia. After graduating, Lan joined boscia full-time and helped lead many of the brand's major milestones including the first foray into prestige retail, triple digit year over year growth and global expansion.
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