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David Belsky, is the CEO and Founder of FlowerHire- a leading staffing and talent strategy firm serving the regulated cannabis industry. It has filled over 300 positions in 10 states since its inception in 2017. FlowerHire believes that the cannabis movement will continue to positively impact the human condition more than any other emerging industry in modern history.
David has been in recruiting since 2004, when he took a job at a technology recruiting and search firm, and moved his way up, helping take the company from a $10 million business to upwards of $200 million. In 2017, looking for his next challenge, he ended up resigning and took his experience to the legal cannabis industry, which ultimately led to him launching FlowerHire.
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Talking Points
00:00 - David Belsky, CEO of FlowerHire
04:29 - Why is there a lack of talent in cannabis?
12:09 - Why recruiting is such a difficult business model to succeed at.
18:11 - Is the cannabis industry “normalized” yet?
24:04 - The gig economy and cannabis.
32:31 - Who should work in cannabis?
38:38 - Things to think about before choosing to work in Cannabis.
Stories worth telling.
On the Success Story podcast, Scott has candid interviews with execs, celebrities, notable figures and politicians. All who have achieved success through both wins and losses, to learn more about their life, their ideas and insights.
He sits down with leaders and mentors and unpacks their story to help pass those lessons onto others through both experiences and tactical strategy for business professionals, entrepreneurs and everyone in between.
Website: https://www.scottdclary.com
Podcast: https://www.podcast.scottdclary.com
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