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Dr. John Delony - Bestselling Author, Podcaster & Mental Health Expert

Dr. John Delony - Bestselling Author, Podcaster & Mental Health Expert

Full Episode:

There's this toxic counterculture that glorifies isolation and mocks vulnerability.

It tells guys that caring about a strong, healthy relationship with their partner is somehow "lame."

That's complete BS.

Building real connection takes guts, vulnerability, and a willingness to face the scariest question of all: "Do you still love me?"

But modern men have become freaking cowards.

We hide behind flashy toys and fake muscles, all to avoid the raw intimacy of a real relationship.

We've traded genuine connection for shiny cars and sculpted abs, because it's easier than looking someone in the eye and asking, "Do you still want me?"

Here's the deal: every relationship is a risk.

Every moment is a chance to get hurt, rejected, or left behind.

But it's also a chance to experience deep love, intimacy, and belonging.

We need to stop running from what truly matters.

Let's embrace vulnerability, build strong relationships, and create a culture that celebrates healthy masculinity, not toxic isolation.