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Brendan Kane is a growth strategist, author, and digital marketing expert known for helping brands, influencers, and businesses scale their online presence. He has worked with major companies like MTV, Paramount Pictures, and Warner Bros., specializing in digital innovation and audience engagement. Kane is the author of One Million Followers and Hook Point, where he shares strategies for creating viral content and capturing attention in a crowded digital world. His expertise lies in leveraging data-driven strategies to drive rapid growth across social media platforms.

➡️ Show Links


➡️ Podcast Sponsors

Hubspot - https://hubspot.com/
Lingoda - https://try.lingoda.com/successstory (Code: scott25)
Vanta - https://www.vanta.com/scott
Federated Computer - https://www.federated.computer
Cornbread Hemp - https://cornbreadhemp.com/success (Code: Success)
FreshBooks - https://www.freshbooks.com/pricing-offer/
Bank On Yourself - https://www.bankonyourself.com/scott
Stash - https://get.stash.com/successstory
NetSuite — https://netsuite.com/scottclary/
Indeed - https://indeed.com/clary

➡️ Talking Points

00:00 - Intro
05:30 - Cracking the Code of Virality
08:36 - Crafting Content That Hooks
13:04 - Viral vs. Successful—What’s the Difference?
20:08 - Sponsor Break
22:46 - Selling vs. Engaging—The Right Approach
28:00 - Are Podcasters Rushing In Too Soon?
31:30 - The Secret Formula for Virality
35:27 - Inside Brendan’s Playbook for Going Viral
50:05 - Sponsor Break
52:17 - Format Matters—Trends Don’t Define You
1:08:17 - A Life Lesson for the Next Generation

➡️ Success Story Podcast - Stories Worth Telling

Subscribe & Watch The Full Podcast⁣ - https://www.successstorypodcast.com/

Welcome to the Success Story Podcast, hosted by entrepreneur, business executive, author, educator & speaker, Scott Clary.

On this podcast, Scott has candid interviews with entrepreneurs, celebrities, notable figures, and politicians. All who have achieved success through both wins and losses, to learn more about their life, their ideas, and insights.

He sits down with leaders and mentors and unpacks their stories to help pass those lessons on to others through both experiences and tactical strategies for business professionals, entrepreneurs, and everyone in between.

Website: https://www.scottdclary.com
Podcast: https://www.successstorypodcast.com
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/scottdclary
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/scottdclary:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/scottdclary
Facebook: https://facebook.com/scottdclarypage
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/scottdclary